How to support youth mental health and prevent suicide during the coronavirus pandemic

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Oakland Family Services’ mental health programs have seen an alarming increase in youth suicide attempts during the coronavirus pandemic — a crisis that is also being reported by other mental health resources and hospitals across the U.S. Emergency room visits for mental health issues have skyrocketed, with children and teenagers particularly at risk.

A perfect storm is happening as children, teens and parents lose access to essential mental health and support services; youth cope with isolation; parents lose opportunities for respite; and need for crisis care rises while psychiatric wards operate at reduced capacity to prevent spread of the coronavirus.

If you suspect a teen in your life may be struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, the resources below can help you decide what to do next.

From Oakland Family Services’ experts

Crisis Resources

  • The Common Ground crisis line is available 24/7 at 1.800.231.1127 to support individuals and families facing a variety of crises, including mental health and suicidal crisis. This is a free, confidential resource based in Pontiac that provides counseling, information and referral to local resources. You can also text Common Ground at 1.800.231.1127 or use its online chat service 24/7.

  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached at 1.800.273.8255 or via online chat and provides support for individuals in suicidal crisis or emotional destress. The lifeline is free, confidential, available 24/7 and can connect you to resources in Oakland County.

Guides for Parents

Teen Depression and Suicide In the News

If your child or teen is struggling with depression or anxiety, contact Day One: A Program of Oakland Family Services at 248.858.7766 or to make an online therapy appointment. If your family is in crisis and in need of more urgent intervention, call 911 or one of the crisis resources listed above.